

Even as Pakistan struggles to find support from theinternational community on Kashmir issue, the country's former cricketer ShahidAfridi took an undignified dig at Prime Minister Narendra Modi, accusing him of“barbaric acts” in the Valley.

“We expect more from @UN to stop violence&cruelty inconflict zone of Kashmir,majority of the Indians DO NOT support the barbaricacts of @narendramodi it's time he should come towards building long termpeace,this inhumanity should be put to a stop4good #KashmirStillUnderCurfew,”he tweeted.

Showing his support for Pakistan PM Imran Khan, Afridi said,“Injustice and oppression can never be tolerated - we hope to come to resolveASAP !! @ImranKhanPTI Truly appreciate your untiring efforts for peace in#Kashmir #KashmirStillUnderCurfew #KashmirBleeds #HumanRights”

Despite a snub from countries across the world, Khan Fridayonce again raked up the Kashmir issue on Twitter in a bid to spread falseinformation and baseless claims. Khan chose to remain mum on Pakistan beingblacklisted by Financial Action Task Force's subgroup Asia Pacific Group. Heinstead went on another tirade and alleged that India will attempt a “falseflag operation” to divert attention away from Kashmir.

“I want to warn the international community that the Indianleadership will in all probability attempt a false flag operation to divertattention from its massive human rights violations and the unleashing of areign of terror in Kashmir,” Khan said. In a big blow to Pakistan, Islamabadwas warned by Financial Action Task Force's (FATF) subgroup Asia Pacific GroupAPG on failing to meet its commitments on the issue of dealing with terrorfinancing. Pakistan has been put on 'Enhanced Expedited Follow Up List'(blacklist) for its inability to take actions as defined in the Mutualevaluation action plan, which is an annual process. On 40 complianceparameters, Pakistan failed on 32 counts and its actions will be observed forone year now.

Global terror financing watchdog FATF will also take a callon blacklisting Pakistan at its next plenary meet from October 16 to 18, 2019.

This is not the first time that Afridi has tried to butt inthe Kashmir issue. On August 6, he had called for UN and US intervention afterthe Indian government scrapped Article 370 of the Constitution that gavespecial status to Jammu and Kashmir. "Why was UN created and why is itsleeping? The unprovoked aggression and crimes being committed in Kashmiragainst humanity must be noted. US President Donald Trump must play his role tomediate," he tweeted.

Cricketer-turned-politician Gautam Gambhir responded back onTwitter, “Afridi is spot on guys. There is `unprovoked aggression`, there are`crimes against humanity`. He should be lauded for bringing this up. Only thingis he forgot to mention that all this is happening in `Pakistan OccupiedKashmir`. Don`t worry, will sort it out son!!!”

Most nations have clearly stated that Kashmir is an internalmatter for India.

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